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Step 1: Registration on Binance

Binance is an online exchange where users can trade cryptocurrencies. It supports the most commonly traded cryptocurrencies. Binance provides a crypto wallet for traders to store their electronic funds. The exchange also has supporting services for users to earn interest or transact using cryptocurrencies. Register an account. Step-by-step instructions: https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/115003764911

Step 2: Buy BNB

Go to https://www.binance.com/en/buy-bnb and tap Buy BNB

Tap to BTC icon

And choose BNB

Then choose what type of funds you would spend

Step 3: Download MetaMask

Go to MetaMask.io and select from Android or iOS for mobile application and select Chrome for desktop. You can also go directly to the Chrome store, Google Play store, or Apple App Store (soon). Step-by-step guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWfZnjkhhhg

Step 4: Send BNB from Binance to MetaMask

Step-by-step guide: https://www.followchain.org/send-bnb-to-metamask/

Step 5: Go to PancakeSwap and Buy Tokens!

PancakeSwap Link: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x34c34BeaBEADbB6Db856D44dF3E26b124C3D40Cc

Connect your wallet and buy tokens!

Last updated